2009-08-30 22:49:48 UTC CNN regional military
This is a bill passed by the senate giving our government the right to force quarantine us, shut down businesses, enter homes at free will, restrict freedom of movement, among many other very ominous sounding things....all in writing of our government! yet unless I looked I would have never heard of can find it by typing in bill 2028 on google <---this one's a little iffy its a video regarding a recent international summit that world leaders held in Washington DC to decide what would/will happen if the swine flu gets out of control. If you ask me but the document and pdf still exists and the conference did happen....up to your own speculation here is the pdf And that is the actual document which you can easily find on I said made your own conclusion <---this guy (Alex Jones) is really a little too radical but the beginning of the video is what counts. even though Alex Jones may be crossing a line....all his research is backed up :(
see this is an issue.....look up the posse comitatus
Our government is quite literally going to break the constitution....and even if you don't believe me....they already did :P Katrina 2005 They sent armed military men into New Orleans to use as law enforcement especially in the Astrodome....this is illegal.
So make up you're I crazy? Am I a patriot? or maybe JUST MAYBE.....may I be on to something?
PS: Don't forget to smile and nod when American Idol comes on....I mean after all it is WAY more important than losing your liberties......right?