can you get herpes in the esopegus?
2006-03-24 22:34:41 UTC
I have been diagnosed with acid reflux and a hiatal hernia. then another doctor done a biopsy and told my that I have herpes inside my esopegus. I've always known that herpes only affect the mouth and genitals. Is there such a thing as herpes in the esopagus or is this dr. a quack?
Eight answers:
2006-03-25 11:12:25 UTC
Herpes of the esophagus is called herpetic esophagitis.

Herpetic esophagitis is a herpes simplex infection causing inflammation and ulcers of the esophagus. Symptoms include difficulty swallowing and pain (dysphagia). Herpetic esophagitis can be effectively treated with antiviral medication if the person is not significantly immunodeficient.

Treatment: The objective of treatment is to control the infection with antiviral medications. Pain medicine can also be given.

Expectations (prognosis): Esophagitis can usually be treated effectively. The outcome depends upon the underlying immunodeficiency that makes the person more susceptible to the infection.
2016-10-01 07:20:11 UTC
2016-12-25 04:39:55 UTC
2014-06-06 19:58:02 UTC
Hello, after suffering for more than 1 year with Herpes, I was finally able to delete through treatment One Minute Herpes Cure Guide. No longer bear to go through this situation, I did not feel free, I reached a point where I thought my girlfriend would leave me. But all that changed thanks to this new treatment and now I recommend it to you, here I leave the link:
2006-03-25 00:08:45 UTC
Yes. You can get herpes down into your esophagus. Some people can even get it all over their internal organs.

Your doctor is not a quack.

Get a copy of the biopsy report from your doctor.

The truth lies there.
2006-03-25 07:58:16 UTC
of course u can get it there too because mucosis esphag. got receptors for the virus herp.u should check ur immunity status xx
2006-03-24 22:45:58 UTC
You can get it internally anywhre in your body. Externally in the usual places. I would think that if you can get them in your mouth as well that it's very likely for it to spread down your throat.
2014-08-18 09:42:55 UTC
I solved completly my herpes problem following this method:

I've have been suffering from herpes for over 4 years. I tried everything, of course I went to the doctor about a hundred times, probably not that many, but it sure seems like it. It never did any good for long and caused all kinds of other issues having to do with taking too many antibiotics.

I know the feelings of helplessness, isolation and real longing to be rid of herpes. I really didn?t think I would ever be rid of the virus. I thought that I would have to live the rest of my life without any lasting intimacy.

I was lost in a sea of despair. This was because my doctor told me that I would need to be on drugs for the rest of my life. He also said to forget about ever having sex with anyone ever again. After hearing this I was very angry. There had to be something I could do. So I decided to see if I could find another way to deal with my herpes.

After a lot of research I decided to try to follow this method

The book details a unique method of actually killing viral pathogens responsible for the herpes virus as well as a quick and natural method for healing herpes blisters. After reading the book and taking action in just two days the blisters were gone. I haven't had an outbreak in 2 years. Herpes is a common sexually transmitted infection (STI). There are 2 types of herpes, Herpes simplex virus 1 (HSV-1) and Herpes simplex virus 2 (HSV-2). The symptoms for HSV-1 normally occur around the mouth while the symptoms for HSV-2 occur around the genitals. Nevertheless, both types of herpes can be transmitted to the genital and mouth areas. Herpes is often spread through sores. Most people often experience some form of sensation, including itching and tingling before they observe anything on the skin Modern medicine is mostly all about maintenance of the disease because big pharmaceutical companies are calling the shots. Hooking people on pharmaceuticals means recurring money the big drug companies. They, in turn, pay the doctors to keep writing prescriptions ?Don?t look for a real help here. Good luck!

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.