In most of the world, sex between men and women is the primary way HIV is spreading. When you have HIV and don't get medical treatment, then you will develop AIDS.
In many countries, HIV spreads in married households when the man goes to a prostitute for sex. He gets HIV from the prostitute. Then he goes home and has sex with his wife. Then he gives HIV to the wife.
In China, HIV spread because of unsafe blood banking. People would sell blood to hospitals, but the needles were dirty, so they would get sick from donating blood.
Injecting drugs also spreads HIV among men and women. This is a big problem in China, Russia and many parts of Southeast Asia.
Sometimes, women get raped by men with HIV. Then they hide themselves for fear of punishment or shame. Then they can give the HIV to their husbands. The women are not at fault because they were hurt badly, but weren't able to get help. More needs to be done to help women who have been raped.
Anyway, I am writing this in the simplest language possible because I see you have trouble with English, and you have even more trouble with homophobia. Learn and become modernized.