Anyone that defies the Drug Companies will be demonized. Here is a web site that you can view an interview with that doctor you mentioned, Dr. Wakefield. Instead of listening to the complete ridicule orchestrated by BIG PHARMA, you can make up your own mind about what this guy has done:!
The MMR vaccine is a tragedy that should never have been created. The pharmaceutical companies are NOT about health. Here is a great video for you to watch of a Pharmaceutical REP that got sick of the propaganda and false marketing rhetoric she was being asked to promote:
The Australians have just banned the flu vaccine for the entire country and for good reason.
Australian health authorities have been urging parents there to vaccinate their children against the flu, propagating the mythology that flu vaccines are both safe and effective. But this time around, many Australian parents found out the hard way that they were being lied to.
It didn't take long to realize the truth after their children start going into convulsions following the flu vaccine injections. Other children began vomiting or exhibiting dangerously high levels of fever. One child has gone into a coma and may never recover.
As reported in WA Today (
"Perth mother of two Bea Flint said her 11-month-old boy Avery had a seizure after receiving the first dose of the two-dose flu vaccination on Saturday. Mrs Flint said that after the 9am vaccination she noticed Avery had a minor temperature about 2pm. At 7.45pm, Avery started whimpering and moaning. When Mrs Flint got to his cot the baby had vomited and was lying on his side having a seizure. 'He couldn't cry - his head was hanging down in the car seat and he couldn't move. I was petrified - it was one of the worst experiences of my life."
The story goes on to say, "The doctor who treated Avery told Mrs Flint her baby was the fifth child with similar symptoms admitted to the hospital that day."
In other words, this was no rare event. Vaccinated children suffering severe convulsions were piling up in hospital emergency rooms across the country.
The real kicker, though, is that children started having convulsions two weeks ago but Australian health authorities ignored them, insisting that the vaccine was safe and causing it to be injected in yet more babies. Two weeks later, with dozens more children experiencing convulsions (and who knows how many thousands actually being harmed in less obvious ways), Commonwealth chief health officer Professor Jim Bishop finally announced the vaccination ban.
Remember: Health authorities in Australia, UK, the United States and everywhere else have relentlessly insisted that flu vaccines are perfectly safe and can't possibly harm anyone. In the U.S., the FDA has given its approval to the very same flu vaccine that's harming children in Australia, and the CDC has insisted that all children in the USA -- regardless of age -- should now be injected with this very same flu vaccine.
So now we've got a vaccine that Australia has banned by the USA somehow says is safe enough to inject into a six-month-old infant. How many convulsing babies will it take in the U.S. before American parents realize the truth about flu vaccines?
The amount of money to be made on vaccines is way to lucrative for drug companies to abandon simply because it is damaging people. If you believe that these guys are about health and do not take profit as their primary goal, watch this:
Thalidomide problem you mentioned is near and dear to my heart. My cousin took Thalidamide and had a son born with NO ARMS. She got NO compensation from the government or from the drug company. Did you know that drug companies are still making Thalidamide and doctors are still prescribing it? Of course they tell people just one pill can cause birth defects, so don't take it if you are pregnant. What about those women who don't know they are pregnant? Why is this drug still on the market today? PROFIT.
We are in a battle for our existence and very lives with these people promoting this garbage. Please understand that politicians are getting huge bags of money from these guys and the laws are being skewed toward drug company agendas. Is it no wonder billions of dollars are being extracted and directed toward medical research that does NOT solve the big problems, but does generate drugs that TREAT SYMPTOMS. That's where the money is, not in cures.
What is so entirely incredible is that these people tell you that vaccination is the best form of prevention. What a complete crock of garbage that is. That is INDOCTRINATION and marketing genius because people are believing that. Anyone that is promoting that idea must have gotten their education out of a corn flake box or have been caught up in the indoctrination being taught in schools where BIG MONEY has been injected by drug companies to promote their agenda.
To tell people AUTISM is not caused by vaccinations is more indoctrination, not good science. Why aren't the drug companies or the government sponsoring a study to show why over 30,000 patients of Dr. Einenstein in Chicago, Illinois have never seen a case of Autism. The Amish there do NOT get Autism and DO NOT GET VACCINATED! What are they afraid of? Finding the truth?
Here's an excellent web site to view in regard to Autism, vaccinations and 30 years of research done by this woman:
The U.S. government has paid out over $1.5 billion dollars to vaccine victims. Congress passed a law in 1996 that says no one can sue a drug company for vaccine damage. If vaccines were safe, why did we need a law to prevent suing them? The $1.5 billion dollars paid by our government did NOT come from the drug companies, but from the U.S. taxpayer! ! ! Shouldn't the drug companies be paying for all this damage? Why the taxpayer. We didn't create the garbage. The victim is paying for the crimes; does that sound like justice to you?
EDIT: I see the nurse is vomiting the usual "conspiracy theory" rhetoric. Where did I ever mention that? It is about PROFIT and SHAREHOLDER value, not health, not conspiracy, not anything to do with providing better quality of life for anyone. I WILL NOT BE IGNORED! ! !
EDIT: "Rhianna" You really need to get another profession.
"Vaccines are not a profitable business?" Where in the world did you get that piece of ridiculous notion? Do you really think people are going to believe you? Let's see what Bruce Carlson says in an annual survey of the vaccine industry:
Americans are still debating whether to roll up their sleeves for a swine flu shot, but companies have already figured it out: vaccines are good for business. Drug companies have sold $1.5 billion worth of swine flu shots, in addition to the $1 billion for seasonal flu they booked earlier this year. These inoculations are part of a much wider and rapidly growing $20 billion global vaccine market. "The vaccine market is booming," says Bruce Carlson, spokesperson at market research firm Kalorama, which publishes an annual survey of the vaccine industry.
I know you are thinking that kind of profit is trivial compared to the enormous profits they make on other drugs to the tune of 500,000 percent on some. I suppose on that basis you may have a point, but you see in the real world businesses do not ever make that kind of profit.
Where's your proof Australia is back in business with the vaccines? You really need to get a life. By the way, if you want to get rid of that peanut allergy, let me know, I can truly help you with that. Your drugs and surgery are not going to help you with that.
EDIT: "Duck" can you show us the specific data that Measles kill a million kids per year? A million kids? That's a lot of funerals and that is 4 times the number of U.S. soldiers killed in the entire Vietnam War! Why didn't we just drop the Measles virus on the North Vietnamese? I am soooo afraid now. I had the measles as a child and didn't die. Am I an exception?
Rianna, again when you are presented with absolute facts you come up with some ridiculous statement. The Einenstein clinic in Chicago has over 30,000 Amish children that do NOT get vaccinated and none of those non vaccinated children have AUTISM. That is a fact. Show me where that is not a true statement. You can't. I know Einenstein! I can get you his phone number to verify that. You are truly a piece of work.
good luck to you