Who do you prefer: Santa Clause or the Easter Bunny?
2006-04-06 05:36:00 UTC
Give reasons why!
Nine answers:
2006-04-06 06:08:52 UTC
Easter Bunny. Santa has too much fat to trim off.
2006-04-06 12:40:41 UTC
Santa because naturally he is mopre fun to be around. Jolly cool fella! Easter Bunnies? no....they bring ONLY eggs, no goodies!!

And religously speaking, there will be no easter bunnies if there wasnt a Santa!! hahahahah!!
2006-04-06 12:39:27 UTC
Santa... he brings a variety of presents including candy. Why go for the bunny when he only brings candy and eggs... Santa is the total package!!!!
Yow Joo
2006-04-06 12:37:35 UTC
Of course Santa, he brings me presents (useful and pretty things) the other one, the Bunny, brings only eggs.

What do i need eggs for???
2006-04-06 12:37:43 UTC
santa because he brings many different kinds of presants, the easter bunny only brings chocolate, which makes you put on body weight
2006-04-06 12:50:48 UTC
santa clause. its a more full on day, more family oriented. i mean i hung out with friends last easter and my dad worked
2006-04-06 12:44:47 UTC
Santa clause of course!!! I get presents from him and I also like the thought of him riding around on his sledge drunk from all the brandy i leave him every year!
2006-04-06 12:41:06 UTC
Easter bunnie, doesn't cost Dad as much money.
2006-04-06 12:39:51 UTC
i like santa cuz he brings u presents

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