2020-12-12 19:37:49 UTC
11.SARS-CoV-2is clearly not a natural evolution of coronavirus.12.SARS-CoV-2 exhibits increased functionality, including multiple pathways for the spread of the infection. Primarily the ability to infect T cells and monocytes because of HIV GP120 and gag sequences in the virus. Thus, expanding the disease to include micro-vascuature dysfunction and development of Acquired Immune Deficiencies/dysfunction (AIDS). This expanded cell host range allows the virus to persist in human cells.13.These multiple “gain of function” alterations between SARS-CoV-1 and SARS-CoV-2 directly result in a far more virulent virus able to spreadmore easily from human to human and cause much more persistent dangerous disease than an upper respiratory Infection. That is, COVID19 is a contagious AIDS andspread by coughing aerosolized droplets during social interactions in public areas, and including probably via bodily proximity of sexual 3relations, and quite probablythrough the sharing of drink and or sharing eating utensils, glasses, etc.14.A major issue with COVID-19 is the unfortunate and unusual ease with which SARS-CoV-2 can spread from human to humanand persist to cause AIDS.The resulting “asymptomatic” carriers of COVID19 has never occurred with SARS (or any other Coronavirus as thoseare cleared from the body of healthy individuals)